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14-23 November 2025


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Talents Adami Jazz: Ghost songs with Paul Jarret & Jim Black

Talents Adami Jazz: Ghost songs with Paul Jarret & Jim Black

Mon 16 November 2020

Stream time / 7:00pm

Paul Jarret and Jim Black have two things in common: a strong taste for adventure in improvisation (c.f. the so-called 'free music' genres), and both are steeped in 90's indie-rock culture.

As part of the 'Talents Adami Jazz' setup they have conceived Ghost Songs, a brand-new quartet project based on Paul Jarret's compositions that also features keyboards player Jozef Dumoulin (Fender Rhodes) and saxophonist Julien Pontvianne.

Taking deliberately simple, almost pop or folk melodies, the strong temperaments of these musicians allow for individual expression, but favour collective playing especially, leaving ample room for the sound, silence, improvisation and group interplay.

Extensive playing spaces allow a certain freedom guided by communicative melodies that are poignant, almost childlike. The songs naturally create their own climates while appearing only as 'ghosts': moving shapes that create surprise.

Rights management and funding of artistic projects : Adami accompanies performers throughout their careers. It defends their work in France and in the world.