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14-23 November 2025


Kansas Smitty's Plunderphonia

Kansas Smitty's Plunderphonia

Sat 20 November 2021

Stage time / 8:00pm

Doors / 6:00pm


EartH (Theatre),
11-17 Stoke Newington Road
N16 8BH

Kansas Smitty’s bandleader, Giacomo Smith, has taken his favourite compositions from the New Orleanian pen of Jelly Roll Morton for a 2021 reboot alongside cuts from Bix Biederbeck and Maurice Ravel.

Plunderphonia was conceived with the intention of creating new compositions and recordings by reimagining already extant classical works. 

Jelly Roll’s themes have been adapted, inverted, transformed, and plunderized to make a collection of tunes that are undoubtedly jazz, modern and when heard with contemporary ears, sonically of our times.

Led by Giacomo Smith the band will feature Jas Kayser on drums, Laura Jurd on trumpet, Joe Webb on piano, Ferg Ireland on double bass.

The band’s improvisations push the music to new limits, although to quote Jelly Roll himself “I have been robbed of three million dollars all told. Everyone today is playing my stuff and I don’t even get credit “, well he’s not around to claim his royalties, but this tribute is all about giving him his due credit.

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